IKA Update July 2020:
Europeans confirmed, Worlds postponed
News info from IKA:
Formula Kite Individual Europeans
Following the re-opening of borders within Europe, the Formula Kite European Championship is now confirmed and will take place in Puck, Poland, from 18 to 23 August.
Formula Kite Individual Worlds
Unfortunately the Corona crisis also takes its’ toll on our major events, and the event in Weifang (CHN) cannot go ahead as planned. Despite all efforts of the class, the Chinese Yachting Association and the local organiser we cannot ensure that unrestricted travel to China will be possible any time soon. This may also affect other events in China planned for later in the year, but it is too early to take a decision on that.
The class is now looking for alternatives to host the 2020 Formula Kite Individual Worlds. The most likely scenario is to host the event in Cagliari, the week before the Formula Kite Mixed Team Relay Worlds in Torregrande (if the world wide travel situation by then allows participation of competitors from outside Europe). Running both World Championships back to back allows teams for easier logistics, and for the teams from outside of Europe to only have to deal once with possible immigration measures. We are also exploring options how Regione Sardegna can assist teams that possibly have to quarantine on arrival.
KiteFoil World Series Traunsee
A general decision on the 2020 KiteFoil World Series will be taken middle of July. However, the event in Traunsee will happen in any case from 15/16 – 20 September 2020.
If the World Series cannot go ahead as planned (due to travel restrictions outside of Europe and the uncertain situation of the planned China event end of the year), this event might become a European Grand Prix, either for the open KiteFoil class or the Formula Kite class. Details will be announced middle of July after the next scheduled EU travel restrictions update.
Sardinia events in October
Both events (Cagliari and Torregrande) are going ahead as planned for the moment. Cagliari may be changed to Formula Kite Individual Worlds, while Torregrande will remain the Formula Kite Mixed Relay Worlds. Final decisions will have to be taken beginning of August.
Rest of the year
With the travel situation to China remaining unpredictable, the two events in November (Beihai and Zhuhai) remain on the calendar. Depending on the development of the other events the event status may change. Decisions will be taken as always at least 60 days before the event, with final confirmation at least 45 days before the event.
There are also options to host events in December in Colombia and Brasil, but this depends on the development of COVID-19 in South America throughout the next few months. We will publish updates as soon as there is a change in status of these events.
Looking ahead
While 2020 proves to be a very difficult year, things start moving already for 2021. It is our intention to initially offer event organisers of cancelled events to host the same event in 2021. In addition, we are in contact with a number of exciting new venues, both for the Olympic Formula Kite class and the premier professional racing tour, the KiteFoil World Series.
Several major multi-class regattas will include Formula Kite (either in the Olympic mixed relay format, or both mixed and individual racing), for example Clearwater OCR (February 2021), Palma (March 2021), Hyeres (April 2021) and Medemblik (June 2021). All these events will score points for the official World Sailing Olympic Classes rankings.
The IKA Executive Committee continues to work tirelessly to secure as many events as possible in these difficult times. We believe it is important to give teams and competitors the opportunity to match up in competition, even if events are moved and titles are re-assigned. The class would like to thank all organisers, teams and competitors for their flexibility and enthusiasm to showcase our sport.
Stay safe and see you on the water soon.