Media Pack


The Magazine Editorial Calendar Explaining bleed, trim & type dimensions
Mission & Readership Directory Listing
Travel Guide
– Print Artwork Travel Directory Travel Guide Print Artwork


Kiteworld Mag is the biggest and best kiteboarding magazine in the world and every issue continues to demonstrate why Kiteworld leads the way in quality, credibility and distribution!


We have opportunities to suit all budgets from our Listings pages and small ads right up to cutting edge design in the double page spreads.

Kiteworld Magazine is printed 6 times a year and distributed comprehensively in Britain and Worldwide. In Britain Kiteworld is sold in many high street chains including many WH Smiths and many airports and train stations. It is also available in smaller independent outlets and nearly all kite shops.

In America, there is a large presence in Barnes and Noble as well as comprehensive distribution via kite shops.

Click here for a full list of our upcoming magazine release dates.

Please contact for our 2019 media pack


For more details and global enquiries, email us at advertising (@) or call Caroline on + 44 (0) 1273 808 601.