How to self-rescue when you are kitesurfing with head of training at the BKSA, Andy Gratwick
The Better Kiter – Issue #110
Technique: Kitelooping with Lewis Crathern
Learn how to master the kiteloop with Lewis Crathern in this video feature
How do the techniques for each board differ and what are the secret skills to get the most out of each style
Kite & Sail Camp | The Action Cruise
The Action Cruise team run kitesurfing trips in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean
The Better Kiter – Issue #110
How to self-rescue when you are kitesurfing with head of training at the BKSA, Andy Gratwick
Liam Whaley – All the King’s Men
Liam Whaley is insanely good although Colin Colin Carroll argues that the Spaniard hasn’t yet peaked – find out why!
Excessive Control – Eleveight XS v2 design interview
Find out more about Eleveight XS v2 in this design interview
The Better Kiter – Issue #108
Water conditions and the sea floor can have a big effect on your session success and enjoyment
Mark my words – Issue #108
If ever there was a man with all the toys for all wind and surf sports, it’s Mark Shinn
Technique: Kitelooping with Lewis Crathern
Learn how to master the kiteloop with Lewis Crathern in this video feature
Feasting on Flatwater – Sicily Spot Guide
Seven magical spots in La Stagnone, Sicily
Moona’s moment out the sun – Barrel Sequence
Moona Whyte charging a big barrel in Maui this winter